Thursday, November 6, 2008

Simple WaysTo Promote Cebu Guitar Festival

A CGF Indieology Special

It's November once again. Haven't you heard? It's that same time when Sammy Asuncion creatively reglamorized the famous Lupang Hinirang, rocked the stage with the best local guitar gods and demons, and lifted everybody else's feet at the night of the first Cebu Guitar Festival.

Some good things refuse to end. CGF deserves forever.

Things happen because one person believes in it. Events occur because one person works for it. Dreams come true because it is what one soul has faith in. CGF was once just a dream residing in the heart of a well respected guitar vistuoso who goes by the name Anot.

His dream came true last year. Let's make it happen again this year. So I'm calling those who care to please help me support Cebu Guitar Festival. See if there's any item below you find doable in your free time... I'll say cheers to that.

Blog about it. Write just about anything you can relate to Cebu Guitar Festival. People. Guitar pedals. Strings and gauges. Softwares. Anything. Then try to shape your article in a way that would lead towards CGF.

Fan profile. Why not? If you're a fan of Maki Vano, then why not write about him? If you're a fan of Randy Pages, write something that connects him to CGF.

Celebrity qoutes. This idea I got from my best friend while doing a project study. Maybe this is worth exploring and see what new ideas it can generate. Possibilities are endless. Of course, a qoute should be something said by a CGF performer.

Talk about guitar technics. This is too obvious. Self explanatory. If you are a guitarist and you are a skilled writer, share about stuff you know - riffs, licks, open chord improvisations, etc. Maybe you can also talk about a CGF guitarist's technic if you know anyone there.

Post tablatures.
Oh yes this would be really cool. Maki Vano's "So Infectious" with PG18 would be really nice to check out. Or how about Anot's guitar solo on 40 The Band's "What I Say"? Transcribing someone else's guitar work is something I haven't seen done yet in Cebu. Perhaps you'd be the first. Hmmm... this got me thinking already.

Posting about the different ways to do with harmonics can be equally cool too. I know a lot of Cebuano guitarists who are good with this technic. Roy 'Purok' Sencio (Roots, Raw Belief) is one of them.

Guitar basics.
How basic can this be? Do I need to elaborate?

Link links to other links.
After doing all the above, link it. Link it to as many webpages as you can get hold of - personal, friend's webpages, etc.

So there. It always feels good to help. And besides, it's almost Christmas.

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