Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Cebu Guitar Festival Guidelines

A CGF Indieology Special
drafted by the CGF peace and order committee
approved by the CGF board

The Cebu Guitar Festival is happening again this weekend - tonight in fact. With an event of this magnitude, a million things needs to be planned out, and if possible, down to the last detail. And with the organizers also performing, it becomes doubly challenging to run the event smoothly and as flawlessly as possible.

And as Murphy's Law states, "If something can go wrong, it will." This might sound a bit negative but it pays to have a little risk management on the side too. That being said, the organizers would like to ask for a little cooperation (a lot, actually) from the performers.

Nobody likes rules but we most often need them to get things in place and in order. Better safe than sorry.

Rule #1 : NO "rock stars" allowed.
In Cebu, the "rock star" label has been commonly phrased to connote musicians that tend to exude a tinge of arrogance in important occasions such as the CGF. Rock star, a tag being synonymous to extravagance and abusive lifestyles somewhat brings a negative clout among local producers. The CGF hopes to deliver talent - NOT ATTITUDE. Period.

Rule #2 : PLEASE be on time.
Not only is it ethical and professional, punctuality is also showing respect for other people's time. Just a tip, the performers are scheduled evenly -from the first to the last parts of the show. So this rule also applies to the audience and fans. More information about the schedule HERE.

Rule #3 : If a performer is late, then he/she is LATE.
To support the above ruling, bands or guitarists are adivced to show up an hour before their schedule. This is to allow better flow of the program considering the time constraints and the increased performers this year. Simply put, this rule says that if you're late then you're late - you cannot perform in another performer's schedule anymore. Need more explanation? The organizers just cannot simply adjust the schedules even after the official show.

Rule #4 : The On-Site Band Coordinator is the person in charge.
He/she will be the band sitter - to assist the musicians with their gears - gig bags, guitars, etc. A technical form shall be issued to fill up.

Rule #5 : Please please please TUNE THE GUITAR OFF-STAGE.
Nothing beats a properly tuned guitar!!! Period. Check your cables too. Looking good is good but Cebu Guitar Fest would rather showcase talent than looks. So try to lessen down your vanity and be professional instead.

Rule #6 : All bands are given 30 mins per time slot (except for special cases).
That's 5 mins. set-up, 15 mins. play and 5 minutes wrap-up. The math may be off but the extra 5 mins are contingencies alloted for fixing gears (and maybe fixing your hairdo too long on the stage). This is the 30-minute rule.

Rule #7 : Watch out for Al Pacino
Heaven and hell forbid it but if your band goes wary and exceed the 30-min rule, a silent muscle man shall approach you on stage, recites a spell and summons the devil to take away your mojo. CGF peeps don't want that. They don't want this muscle man to come near the stage and give you that Al Pacino look. So respect the 30-min rule and think about the other bands that will be playing after you.

Rule #8 : The On-Site Band Coordinator is the person in charge again.
After your set... look for the On-Site Band Coordinator. Just do this last rule and you'll be fine.

To end...

Cebu Guitar Festival and its organizers are all in this event for ONE thing only - to play priceless music.

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